Eurovision is an upcoming Netflix comedy directed by David Dobkin. The film is written by Andrew Steele and Will Ferrell. The film follows Icelandic singers Lars Erickssong and Sigrit Ericksdottir as they are given the chance to represent their country at the Eurovision Song Contest. The film is set in the town Húsavík.
Will Ferrell as Lars Erickssong
Rachel McAdams as Sigrit Ericksdottir
Pierce Brosnan as Erick Erickssong
Dan Stevens as Alexander Lemtov
Demi Lovato as Katiana
Ólafur Darri Ólafsson as Neils Brongus
Björn Hlynur Haraldsson
Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir
Jóhannes Haukur Jóhannesson as Johans